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About Our Impact Projects!

These programs are designed for individuals, businesses and organizations looking to learn more, collaborate & support or invest their time, resources, & expertise into projects that focus on creating an impact. And equally gaining valuable insights in the process.

Education Access For Kids

Together with World's education for kids e.v and education & culture activists, we have over the last 5 years supported the education of 100 kids annually to access elementary school & skills-based education in the arts, digital literacy & environmental conservation.
With Tech adoption in schools needed now more than ever, we are focused on funding projectors, Wifi, & Education Streaming Apps, for kids education onsite & in schools we collaborate with.

Tree Planting and Beekeeping

East Africa is known for its rich biodiversity, but many of its ecosystems are under threat from deforestation and other human activities. We support social projects that promote reforestation and biodiversity conservation through tree planting and beekeeping.

Clean Sustainable Energy and Water Distribution

Access to clean and sustainable energy and water is a basic natural right for a flourishing ecosystem. We launched our first water distribution project for the Kasese, Majengo Community, where Eco Hub Africa is located in 2018.

University & Tech Firms Collaborations To Bridge The Digital Divide.

We are collaborating with Universities and Tech firms to offer Co-working spaces & Digital Studios at the Hub. And collaborate with businesses and startups to offer Digital Services among them Web, App & Software development. Reach out for Tech consultancy or to invest in the establishment of the Digital Studios & Coworking spaces.

Art Gallery & Global Exhibitions Collaborations

Creating, curating and exhibiting Art is at the forefront of the Eco Hub Africa. On top of onsite exhibition, we are looking to collaborate with Galleries and Exhibition Curators globally to ensure the artists' art gains more visibility in the right places.

We are also introducing an onsite Art Residency Program, a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of East Africa and work on your art in a supportive and inspiring environment. Our program offers the perfect balance between art-making, cultural immersion, and relaxation.

Startup Investment

Access to capital for some Entrepreneurs looking to scale their self-funded startup projects in the East African startup eco-system can be a bit of a hurdle, especially when they don't have a sufficient credit history in any of the major banks to allow for scaling. The startup fund is based on Identity, Trust, Ownership and Scale, values inspired and fostered by the Author of Cashless Society 101, Brian Asingia, and their Global Advisory.

Shared below are the investment levels for Small Scale Startups, with the aim of helping them build a credit history to qualify for Bank Loans or attract investors for scaling their projects.

Entry Level Investments - $1000
Second Round Investments - $2,500
Third Round Investments - $5,000

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